How to Build Better Habits: A Guide to Long-Term Success

Our daily life mainly relies on habits. This is because good habits are the functional blocks that make your life successful. It is important to have good habits but maintaining them is also required for a right approach. There are several ways to build better habits in your life to remain productive. By understanding the mechanism of developing habits and sustaining them, you can easily shape your life in a better way.

Ways to Build Better Habits

Better habits help you live a happier and healthier life. Here, you will get to know about some of the steps required to build better habits and remain consistent with them.

Change a Single Habit at a Time:

If you change multiple habits at the same time, then it will lead to choices and burnout. So, you should prioritize changing one bad habit at a time. For this, you should work on it and try to improve it.

Have a Daily Routine of your New Habit:

Try to create a complete scheduled routine around the new habit you want to adopt or the previous one you want to make better. This is because habits mainly rely on consistency. So, always build a routine that includes doing the same behavior at the same time every day. For this, you can adopt reading three pages of a book at 10:00 p.m. daily. In this way, you can easily build better habits.

Divide your Habit into Parts:

If you want to build better habits, then it is necessary to divide your main habits into micro habits. This is because large goals can be very attractive, but if you break the habits into portions, then they can be managed easily. For example, you want to build a workout habit daily. Then, if you split your workout into different steps, it can be easy to adopt. It can be started with doing five planks daily, further going on to other exercises in a sequence. These small habits will help in building momentum and will also make your habits better.

Always Be Consistent:

If you want to build better habits, then it is necessary to remain consistent. This is because habits take some time to form. According to different research, it is concluded that a person takes almost 66 days to adopt a new habit. So, if you are trying to build good habits and you are not succeeding, then you should be patient. Also, always focus on consistency along with perfection.

Monitor your Progress in Building Habits:

It is also necessary to track the progress of building good habits. For this, you can easily use a calendar or journal to track the sequence of your habits daily. This is because the monitoring of the progress helps in motivating the person. You can easily check the days in which you have left your habit and improve in the coming days. This would help in making you more committed to your goal.


Building better habits requires consistency, patience, and focus. So, you should focus on building good habits and eliminate the bad ones. This will help in making your life more productive and positive.